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Here are some popular questions or challenges volunteers have in AYC camp, especially with small groups. Answers for each question are provided on this page, but take this answer as recommendations or as other’s experiences.



1. Why does AYC use Aboriginal, not Indigenous?

The terms Aboriginal, Indigenous, and Native are often used interchangeably; however, certain terms may be applied within specific contexts. In the context of constitutional rights, the term Aboriginal is appropriate. However, the term “Indigenous” has increasingly replaced the term “Aboriginal” since 2016, as the former is recognized internationally, for instance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

AYC was founded in 2014 which is the years before the Government of Canada uses the term “Indigenous” broadly. The name “AYC” has been used for over 10 years now and is known to many indigenous people for youth ministry. Our Indigenous leaders also do not have concerns about keeping the name “AYC” as well.

Many organizations that were founded before 2016 still keep their name “Aboriginal”, i.e., “Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society”, “Aboriginal Mother Centre Society”, and “Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services Society” etc.

Even some organizations or proper nouns made before the 80s are still using the term Indian, i.e., Indian Ministry in Manitoba, Indian Taco, even though this is now considered an inappropriate term

AYC respects using the term “Indigenous” and we will use this term in all official documents and conversations, even though our name remains as “Aboriginal Youth Community”

2. Are there any other terms we should not use during the camp?

There are also some other words that Indigenous people do not like to use when they represent their people.

Here are some examples and suggested terms to use

  1. Do not use “Indian” or “Native”: Many Indigenous people in Canada prefer not to describe themselves as "Indians" and view this term as rooted in colonialism and racism. The word Native is considered outdated and offensive by many because of its vagueness. Use the term “Indigenous” instead

  2. Do not use the term “reserve” when we describe the place they come from. I.e., do not ask “Which reserve are you from?” but ask “Which nation are you from?”. The term Band is also not appropriate. For example, we do not say “The youth is from Key reserve or band” but we say “The youth is from Key First Nations”, or “The youth is Key Nations people” or even simply say “The youth is from the Key” We usually have youths from 10 to 15 different nations in the camp and discussed the 16 nations attending the AYC camp (Appendix 4). Please be familiar with the name of each nation, so we can call their name nations instead of just calling them “First Nations” or “Native people”

3. Do we have a prayer meeting after camp?

Yes. AYC has promised to all youths who came to the camp that we will continue to pray for them. Our prayer meeting has never stopped and meet at least once a month to pray for Indigenous youth. Our current meeting is every Saturday at 2 pm at Potter’s Place Mission. The date and location can be changed and will be announced on our website and Kakao Group Chat if changed.

4. Is there a communication channel that I can get the updates?

Major demographic groups in AYC volunteers are Korean and we are currently using a Korean messenger called “Kakaotalk” and news and updates are posted in the group chat in this messenger.

This messenger supports English and we are using English and Korean when posting the updates in this chat. Please ask Pastor John or any mentors to help you to invite to this group chat if you are not there.

We also send e-newsletters to our sponsors and non-Korean volunteers regularly with updates. You can subscribe to AYC news on our website (main page)


Small Groups

5. some youths were not in my small group but they changed the room where I am assigned. What should I do?

First of all, please do not force them to move to another room. They might want to stay with their close friend even though there is not enough bed in the room. You can ask the youth if they also want to stay in the same small group with you. If they do, please reach out to their original small group leader and let them know.

If small group leaders do not have beds because more youth are in the room. Please reach out to the support team, then we will find out the room for the small group leader.

It is also okay for the youth to change the room middle of the camp. Make sure they belong to at least one small group. Communication between other small group leaders is important

6. My small group youth has had better relationships with other volunteers from the previous camp and he/she wants to spend more time with them even though he/she is staying in my room.

Similar to #5, even though the youth is in your room and small group, if they want to stay with another volunteer, you can leave them to build a relationship with them. However, please make sure small group leaders are communicating with each other and make sure youth are with at least one small group leader during the camp.

However, if youth want to hang around with volunteer of different genders, kindly ask them to play with their original small group leader.

Make sure the small group leader does not stay in the same room or closed area with youth of other genders.

7. One of my small group members feels uncomfortable sharing a dorm room and washroom with other same-gender youth and asks us to assign their room due to their gender identity.

Sometimes we see the youth who has struggled with gender identity and does not want to share the room and washroom with the same gender. AYC does not accept gender identity against the bible, and we cannot offer them a separate place to stay. Please report to the Abuse Prevention Committee (John Kim) if you have this case in your small group.

8. Youths are not sleeping and stay up until late night

Most youths will stay up until 3~4AM. However, the campsite strictly restricts outdoor activity after 11 PM due to the leaseholders staying in the cabins. Youth can stay in their dorm room quietly within their small group but are not allowed to leave the room after 11 PM. This also could be the perfect chance for volunteers to have more sharing with members in the room.

Sometimes, we see volunteers are too excited and forget about this quiet time. Please respect another family in the campsite for their vacation and also kitchen team members who will be up at 5 AM to prepare the breakfast.

Outdoor night games will be strictly prohibited.

9. Youths want to go to take a shower after 11 PM or ask to smoke

if they “really” want to take a shower, the small group leader can let only one person go for a shower, not in a group. Girls may ask to go as a group because dark outside, and one of the small group leaders can follow with them instead of letting a group of youth go out for a shower. We have seen the case that they do not come back quickly and disappear.

Smoking will be another issue. There will be a designated smoking area outside the camp. If youth are going there to smoke, make sure the small group leader is following them.

We also see volunteers want to take a shower after 11 PM, which is okay but please make sure it is quiet time after 11 PM.

10. Youths/Indigenous leaders say they did not bring shampoo or other toiletries and want to go to town for shopping

There is a convenience store (gas station) about 800m away from camp, and some youth want to go there to buy some stuff such as snacks and drinks. AYC does not allow any of the youth or leaders to freely go outside the camp. If the youth ask to let them go outside to shop to buy such toiletries, please find other volunteers or youth who brought extra.

11. Lost & Found

: there will be a lost & found box in the dining hall. Please put any items you found on the group in this box.

For volunteers, please do not bring any valuable items to the camp. If you bring any items including the wallet, please keep them in the car (ask the volunteers who drive)



12. I do not want to stay in the dorm room with Indigenous youth for personal reasons

Please respect our mission and try your best effort to stay with them. If you are unwell and want to stay separately to protect others, please let the medical team know. Make sure volunteers do not sleep in the car, dining hall, chapel, or ground.

13. Do we have a vegetarian meal option?

We do not have an option for vegetarians. Bulgogi (beef and pork), Chicken (fried), Spaghetti and Japchae will be served.

14. I cannot stay all 4 days and have to leave early

This mission is about building a relationship with Indigenous people and we ask all volunteers to stay in the entire program.

15. I missed the ferry or missed the departure time

You can find the next ferry and own ride (uber, taxi) from Departure Bay to Nanoose Bay Camp (~20 mins by taxi). AYC will not be able to go to the terminal to pick up other than the 3 departure times we planned.

16. Can I give my contact to my small group?

You can share your contact with indigenous youth but be responsible. Please read Part 4. Small group for details

17. I lost my personal belongings

Losing one’s valuable item often leads to suspecting someone which could lead to misunderstandings and hurtful situations for people involved. Please try your best to prevent this from happening. AYC will not search any of the youth’s bags to find your lost items. We want to avoid having unfavourable circumstances due to someone losing their valuables as much as we can. Do not bring valuables to the camp. If you have, keep it locked in a safe place such as a car.

18. I see other volunteers are violating the rule

Please do not watch or judge how other volunteers are doing during the camp. We have over 60 volunteers from 14 different churches. Each volunteer has been in their own culture. Respect each other. This mission is all about the relationship between you, God, and indigenous youth.

Also, do not spend time sharing your life or prayer requests with other volunteers during the camp. This is not a church retreat or membership training to build teamwork or make peers in the same faith.

Lastly, even though you see other volunteers doing something wrong, please do not straightly reach out to them or discuss it with other volunteers, but let the leaders (John Kim or Jong Ha Chun) know to figure out the situation.


Support team members will wear yellow vests during the camp, and will have walkies connected. If you have any issues or questions during the camp. Please reach out to any of the support team members.

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